How to get rich (without working 30+ years)


Leverage Theory
You are not going to get rich by renting your time for someone else.

You must use something as leverage to augment your impact while working -for yourself-.
That said, Leverage's returns come from being applied iteratively over time
There are 6 Leverages you can use:

- Money
- Media
- Code
- Management
- Network
- Ideas
Money - Use money to buy a share or someone else's entire work. This leverage allows you to flip the game of renting time.

Few people possess enough to start leveraging themselves from here
Media - What you say once is read and heard at scale. This is why personal brands are so powerful. One person can have the same reach a newspaper or television would have years ago

This leverage is egalitarian but hard work. People who have nothing and are disciplined start here
Code - You can set rules and have an "army of robots" working for you. This is a web store open 24/7, AI, algorithms and digital products.

People who code are able to extend their capabilities far beyond themselves.

If you can, code.
Management - You augment the money leverage by managing someone else's work.

This Leverage is wasteful and hard to measure, but it is be the oil in the business machine.

Well managed businesses produce more and faster returns. Badly managed businesses go bankrupt.

This Leverage is applied by those already using money leverage to buy someone else's work.
Network - even if 90% of your net-work- is wasteful, that 10% can save you 10 years of actual work.

Before leveraging a network, you should have given back to that network with no guarantee of return...
Remaining for years in the same industry can set you up for a great 'regional' network, while changing industries is key if your aim is to be a conduit for unusual conversations and partnerships.
Ideas - this is the abstract leverage of creating lasting ideologies.

Christ, communism and freedom of speech are strong ideas that influence nations.

But so is "think different".

Associating yourself with a great idea can make you the most important brand in the world
These and more are in my upcoming book LEVERAGE.

I'll share real life examples, expanding on each Leverage and providing actionable plans for those who don't want to rent their time forever.

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