Dr Michael Usi he is a Comedian BUT Also the Former Executive Director of ADRA Malawi

Most people are generally happy with his position as Minister of Tourism, Arts & Culture
Eisenhower Mkaka is the Youthful Secretaty General of the MCP

He is credited for the mobilisation & the youth base that led to Chakwera being MCP president and also the successful campaign.

There isn't much Joy in his portfolio as Minister of Foreign Affairs

Some are saying
That he doesn't have experience and some are saying him being SG of the party means he has too much on his plate

He used to be in the banking sector before joining mainstream politics
Patricia Kaliati is the S.G of the UTM party who is very popular with a large following she is credited for Standing with the VP as they formed and steered the party to where it is today

She is Min of Social Welfare and community Development a Portfolio not different from her
Previous portfolios.

Her role as SG won't be affected much by this portfolio BUT there is just mixed sentiments about her being in cabinet as she has been a Minister since UDF era I guess with her people wanted new faces.

Many people though are ok with her being there as they
Say she worked hard for it

Everyone attest to the fact that in most cabinet portfolios she has performed well
Agnes's Nyalonje is the Minister of Education

She has an impressive CV having served in different Portfolios one of which as the Country Rep of UN Aids
They are also mentioning the fact that she is married (white guy) to the Vice Chancellor of Mzuni I don't know how its relevant
Khumbize Kandodo (MP) is the Minister of Health
She is a pharmacist and runs private pharmacies in Lilongwe

She has faced public scrutiny as people feel she doesn't have what it takes to steer the nation given the unravelling Pandemic

She is also sister to Ken a cabinet Min
Ken Kandodo is the Minister of Labour

His sister is the Min. Of Health & people aren't happy about having both of them as cabinet Min.

The Kandodo's are a party of Kamuzu Banda's family

They own the Times Group a leading Media house in Malawi & I believe were critical in the
Sustenance of the Party during it's days in the opposition

Not much has been said about his capacity to steer a critical Ministry given the promise by Govt to create 1,000,000 jobs in a year's time
Kezzie Msukwa (MP)

Is the Minister of lands

Given the spiralling Urbanisation challenges Malawi is facing, promise to construct houses, land issues galore he has a lot on his plate

There aren't any public sentiments of note on his appointment
Sosten Gwengwe MP is the Minister of Trade

He once served under a similar Portfolio during Joyce Banda's rule, where he rose to be the Running Mate

He then went back to MCP & reclaimed his seat in Parliament

People believe he is capable
Timothy Mtambo is the Civic Education Minister
He was the Chairperson of HRDC during the Demonstrations that saw the toppling of the Mutharika Regime

He resigned a few months before elections to form CFT which then became a partner of Tonse Alliance

Many people had hoped he
Doesn't accept this appointment as they felt it's about weakening his voice and won't serve the nation the way it did as a civil society leader

The main issue was what exactly will he be doing
Ulemu Msungama M.P is the Minister of Sports

He rose to fame when he successfully fought for his Lilongwe City Easy MP position which had been dubiously allocated to a DPP MP. The case went all the way to Supreme Court

He recently was in the news for saying the Govt was lying
About the COVID-19 death and cases in his constituency

The health officials protested and said they won't be going back to the area as their lives were under threat

It had to take him offering another statement that allayed the fears

He should be ok in his portfolio
Gospel Kazako is the Information Minister

He is a Shareholder of @zodiakonline a major Media house in Malawi

People are generally happy with his appointment but just worry about conflict of interest and also the fact that all independent media houses are now in Govt
Rashid Gaffar is the Mining Minister

He is one of the successful Business Man in Malawi

He is in the Transport & Mining Sector

People aren't happy as they fear conflict of interest
Jean Sendeza M.P Defence Dep. Minister

She is one of the Long standing members of MCP
Agnes's Nkusa Nkhoma M.P

She is the Dep. Minister of Agriculture

The only issue that has come up with her is her relationship to her Brother in Law Gospel Kazako the Minister of Information
Nancy Mdooko M.P

Transport Dep Minister

She is new in the political circles. Not much has been said about her appointment
Chrissie Kalamula M.P Health Dep. Minister

She is one of the few UTM MPs in Parliament

She is a former Diplomat of Malawi in the UN
Madalitso Wirima M.P

Education Dep. Minister

She is an Independent M.P
Halima Daud M.P

Local Government Dep. Minister

She used to be in the Previous Cabinet of Joyce Banda

She is related to the Minister of Transport (Sidik Mia) and this has caused public outcry
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