a few people have said it but I wanna echo it because the last couple days have proven that some people still don’t get it and it’s so frustrating. Speaking Out isn’t just one week where people in wrestling got outed as abusers. it’s gotta be an ongoing conversation.
it’s so infuriating seeing certain wrestlers go back to tweeting about whatever as if it’s business as usual. we are demanding change and as fans we can only do so much but we have to continue to hold wrestlers, promotions and our friends accountable.
wrestlers and promotors need to make changes and not get defensive when asked to be honest and transparent about it. transparency is key to making people feel like they can safely attend shows again and if you believe you are making the right changes then publicly saying what
they are shouldn’t be a problem. no one will truly know if these changes are being properly ingrained until shows are running again but I am far more willing to give promotions a shot again if they are up front about what they are planning to do to fix things.
I get that things are pretty bleak in more than one way right now and wrestling is an escape from that for a lot of people but we can’t rush into this. the focus needs to be on how shows can be made safer, not how quickly they can come back.
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