Some things I note watching this clip from Tucker:
Tucker is using media and information to craft a particular narrative (yes those in media on the Right do it too). I noted particularly when he says that these kinds of things (the anti whiteness training) is happening everywhere.
That’s a bit bombastic. It’s not happening “everywhere”. It’s an assertion that has no context or physical evidence, he just loudly proclaims that at the end of a story about anti whiteness training for city employees of a city government that is staunchly Liberal.
He implies it’s happening everywhere because it’s happening in Seattle.

It may be happening in liberal cities like Seattle or Chicago, but that certainly is not “everywhere”.
This is narrative crafting and it’s purposefully attempting to trigger a response from the audience that listens to it without a discerning ear. They are manipulating our minds on both the Right and the Left in the media.
They amplify that narrative to craft a belief we are supposed to follow, simply because they say so. They are trying to incite a race war, where one simply does not exist. And they are using fear to do it.
We have to be smarter than they are and refuse to capitulate to their desires, their manipulations, their schemes.

Scripture says “resist the devil and he will flee from you.” That’s precisely what we must do with this manipulation. Refuse to be a party to it.
Americans are good people. They believe in fairness, opportunity. They work hard to put food on the table and love their families. There is a historical decency and goodness about the soul of an American.
Sure we have our problems and complex history, we haven’t always got it right, but there is a desire to get it right and fix it if we don’t. The Media and politicians know this and they use our good natures against us to manipulate us.
There isn’t a racism “problem” in America. There may be racists in America but it’s not a society wide epidemic- but we’re meant to think it is. Which is why Tucker is screaming about it on his program, it’s why they’re screaming it on every program from both perspectives.
Don’t fall for it. Remember the goodness that exists in the soul of an American be they black, white and every pigment in between. Believe in the fact that Americans are decent people.
We are at war, but not white against black or black against white. We are at war as Americans with evil people in Media and Government who lust for power and prestige over us, We the People of the United States of America. END//
It seems I need to add an ADDENDUM: I’m not writing this thread to talk about how the Left is infiltrating facets of society because they are and have been for a very long time. No argument there. I wrote this thread to shine a light on how Media and Politicians manipulate us.
How they use certain phrases to make things seem to be bigger and worse than they actually are on a particular subject of their choosing.
Racism is not an endemic problem in America. FULL STOP.
LEFTISM is an endemic problem in America. FULL STOP.
We should be talking about LEFTISM and not white vs. black black vs. white, because that’s not the problem.
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