1/ #Empathy tweetorial: I overheard an awesome narrative building, empathic conversation enroute to the hospital today. Two #interns merged behind me (both wearing masks, btw):
Him: “How has your week been so far?”
Her: “It’s been pretty good but sorta overwhelming”
2/It could have ended there with him saying, “That sucks,” or “Me too."
Instead, he said, “Why was it overwhelming? What did you have to do?”
Her: “I went to meetings that reminded me of how many things I have forgotten. (insert details about what she had forgotten)”
3/He could have said, "Yuck, I hate meetings."
Instead he said, “Yeah, that can be scary. What else did you have to do?”
Her: “I took care of some patients with illnesses that I have never taken care of before like COVID. (insert details about patients and illnesses)”
4/He could have said, "Yeah, me too."
Instead he said, “That sounds exciting”
Her: “Yeah, I guess exciting is a better word for my week. I am learning a ton and really looking forward to today.”
5/ She could have walked away from the conversation with trepidation. Instead, she walked away with enthusiasm, and I bet this was the beginning of an awesome friendship. #internship
6/ This was a great reminder of the importance of responding with supporting statements (keeping the focus on the speaker and validating their experience) instead of shifting statements (shifting the conversation to your experience). #empathyeveryday
7/ It was also a reminder of the value of building a narrative to build connection. Well done, young man! You are going to be a great doctor!!
8/Finally, it was a reminder that we have to be as empathic to each other as we are to our patients! #inthistogether @RanaAwdish @jessicatsmom @chungk1031 @colombocj1 @sarahanguyen @LaraVarpio @pretzelrunner @joshuadhartzell
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