On the Left, the coronavirus lockdown unleashed a months-long "Festival" of insanity like in the classic Star Trek episode "Return of the Archons" - every form of insanity and psychosis indulged from followers of an ideology that normally demand docile compliance.
Left-winger suffer from psychoses induced by the fundamental contradictions of the crybully techniques perfected on campus and now unleashed upon all of America: they're the totalitarian masters of society, but they're also supposed to be helpless victims.
"All the real power in America is held by straight white men!" the Left shrieks as it takes over the streets with mob violence, micromanages the economy with government power, rewrites the language by force, and gets political dissidents fired or banned from social media.
Of COURSE people who believe that garbage go slowly insane. The constant cognitive dissonance required to see their ideology as anything other than brute totalitarianism is incredibly taxing. It's not easy for the people wearing the jackboots to see themselves as hapless victims.
Left-wing footsoldiers are also maddened by the contradictions needed to keep them from boiling over into violence all the time. They're told everyone who disagrees with them is literally Hitler, but they're also USUALLY told to do nothing about it except scream on social media.
The leadership of the Left - the Democrat Party, the "moderate" political wing of a violent extremist coalition - needs to be able to control their rage. The leash must be kept securely fastened around their necks so order can be maintained when Dems need things to be orderly.
And the core contradiction that drives Lefty nuts is that his ideology demands placid compliance from the people. They must meekly obey their leadership in all things. Every single aspect of human life is subject to political control, which requires a high level of obedience.
If you don't have the right Party credentials, the right celebrity endorsements, the right credentials from the best institutions, you're supposed to keep your mouth shut and OBEY. The pronouncements of left-wing leaders are not to be questioned.
That's why lefties flock eagerly into role-playing games where they can pretend to be brave resistance fighters, battling monstrous tyrants to win some kind of vaguely-defined "freedom"... even though they're dimly aware real freedom is (properly!) diminished by their victory.
The lockdown oven baked these contradictions into a hot ball of frustrated insanity that exploded after George Floyd was killed. Everywhere you look, it's "Festival" - running wild on the real and virtual streets, indulging every passion and hatred, nothing out of bounds.
Looming on the horizon is the return to meek obedience. Most lefties are convinced Trump can't possibly win re-election, so they expect that after November they have to become docile again. They won't be allowed to destabilize or undermine a Democrat administration.
There will be plenty of internal struggles on the Left - its factions are always at war with each other - but not wild eruptions of madness and violence, not constant efforts to terrorize the normies into despair. The normies have to think a Democrat win delivers normalization.
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