Alright y’all last night my friend went through a very serious and scary mental health episode, here’s what we did rather than calling the cops, in play by plays all day.

1. Got a scared txt message from her gf that A was saying things that didn’t make sense and wandering town
2. We called A til she picked up went and found her, asked her how SHE FELT and took her back to my house to chill this was before we realized the gravity of the situation

3. About 10 mins later she was gon. Hallucinating, repeating phrases, yelling
4. Yes it was scary as fuck, first we got her on the ground, second we got her a blanket then I called her partner to ask about her meds and what she needed.

5.Once we got her calm but not lucid I asked if she wanted Adventure Time and a glass of water. Distraction + grounding
6. We waited for Al her partner and Cappy her best friend to get home. Once Al got here I called a facility for mental health and got A’s intake forms started remotely.

7. Once Cappy got here A got a lot calmer, we just gave her that space
8. Lucidity start coming back in rare waves, so we asked HER if she would like to go somewhere with more support for her needs right now. We waited until SHE could agree, even not clearly.

9.Gave her a popsicle in the car, took the long route to the facility
10. During this time A got more and more lucid, so we were able to fully inform and tell her “look if it’s awful there we aren’t going to force you to stay”.

11. By the time it was all said and done, SHE was ready and consented to stay because she was scared, and needed help
As “bad” as thing were for me and our pal Jude who thank every good ancestor was w/ me, we never rose our voices, we nvr put our hands on her or restrained her, we never made it about us and once she was back we reinforced that we felt both blessed and glad it happened with us.
Sometimes people do scary shit and it still ISNT ABOUT YOU. Mentally ill people generally harm themselves, not others. And as scary as it was for me I truly cannot fathom what it was like for her, and that’s what you gotta remember, cause the pigs will not.
Please y’all nvr ever call the cops even if this happens clear space so they can’t grab anything or pull something down to hurt themselves.
Take a deep breath and call over whatever community support you need.
… .crisis.
And FYI I am not trained or an expert. I just love my friend and don’t let cops in my house ever. A is the same way, cops woulda scared her and made everything worse.
We just waited and listened, which is hard. It was all hard.
Still I don’t regret and ounce of this exhaustion or how long it took to get her to a care center. Because she wasn’t scared by the time we got her to somewhere with proper support. She isn’t going to come to not knowing where she is or not knowing what we made her sign
Cause we didn’t MAKE her do anything. We took deep breaths and an hour to fill out the paper work, reading it aloud to her when she was able to answer. Idk if I am at all right. But anything is better than the swine. Anything is better than taking consent outta someone’s hands.
I’m saying this cause maybe somebody out here believes what I do about cops and mental health crisis but has zero idea what to do.
That’s what I did with the best of my abilities, so it’s all the advice I can give.
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