• What would happen if we wouldn't be able to break the pattern?

(a thread)
Before I begin, I would like to stress out that this thread was made to INFORM and NOT TO CAUSE ANY CONFUSION.
First, let us discuss the possible scenarios and it's result.

If the "2 Wins, 1 Lose" pattern of them would continue, this would be the final outcome. Twice would win by 4085 points.

TWICE: 4085
If we would turn things around and apply the same strategy as them (I can already feel them saying "copycat" lol), then we would win with 5 point difference.

TWICE: 4077
If we wouldn't be able to break the pattern of them and then win for the last 7 days of the voting, we would lose by one point.

TWICE- 4080
If they would stick to their strategy and would organized a 7-day Mass Voting to win on the remaining week, then they would win by 4087.

TWICE- 4087
If we would use the concept of 3 Wins, 1 Lose" then we would win with a total of 4084 cumulative points.

TWICE: 4075
These possibilities and data are challenging our current mindset and strategy. Why? Because a lot of blinks seem to think that winning everyday is the key to bag the Popularity Award. However, we saw how important it is to rest and save up some hearts before battling again.
Now, it is important for us to win today. No matter what, we must win. Let's view today's voting as our chance to boost everyone's morale. Because day by day, we are losing voters- blinks who feel exhausted from losing every single time.
We must be reminded that collecting hearts take time. In a sense, we are buying those hearts in exchange for our time and effort. So let's be wise in spending them.

Wasted Hearts= Wasted Time = Wasted Efforts
Let this data be an eyeopener that "Cumulative Points" is both a blessing and curse. We can use it to our advantage if we would choose to do so. With this, we must always think of the aftermath of our voting. Would we still have hearts left? Is it possible to get those again?
Lastly, please cast your hearts on BPVT's post or on the members' Voting Teams. We should also ask for their verification onto what accounts to vote on. Don't make anymore accounts for strategies. I understand the objective but it would really cause confusion.
Also, to the Voting Teams, please designate a time where we would go all-in to win and a day where we would purposely lose. This would help us on recovering the hearts that we have used up. But please, upon choosing dates, try to solve for the possible "cumulative point".
• Let us put an end to their pattern.
Winning everyday isn't a wise option.
• Designate a time to win or lose.
• Trust and Follow the Voting Teams.
• Don't create new voting accounts.
• Assign a post to vote on not only on the BP community but on the members as well.
• Cast your votes on BPVT's community post for more rebates.
• Don't monitor the gap, it would caused the app to lag. Instead, someone should have it on a live.
• Some must cast their votes 30 to 15 seconds before the voting ends. But not all so the app won't lag.
A huge thanks to @bossbitchbp for reaching out about this. Again, this thread was made to inform. Please, don't be reckless. Let us bag the award for Blackpink! Fighting!
DM me if you want to see the pictures on the spreadsheet so you could see it onto one file. Here's my previous thread as well to be more informed. https://twitter.com/jklmno_yes/status/1281248057472901120?s=19
You can follow @jklmno_yes.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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