Today is my last day at the @mssocietyuk, having started working over 11 years ago.

I’ve been reflecting on the progress we’ve made...
When I started there were only 5 treatments for a small number of people with MS and access to them was appalling.
Information provision was patchy and people often weren’t told about the things they could do to manage (like exercise, stopping smoking, or considering treatments)
There was, sadly, a lack of voice for people with MS and a misunderstanding of what the condition was.
Now there are well over a dozen treatments available on the NHS for people with relapsing forms of MS and the first starting to come through for progressive MS.

This seemed impossible 11 years ago.
We’re starting to see progress in developing myelin repair and neuroprotective treatments and people with progressive MS have access to research more than ever before thanks to @MsStat2, @UKMSRegister and other programmes.
Good information about how to manage MS is widely available and @mssocietyuk we are continually updating our information and advice with the latest evidence.

We provide this through our Helpline and on our website as well as through our hundreds of volunteer led groups
Our campaigns have made lasting impacts not only in holding back damaging changes but also making positive ones, like campaigning to make cannabis legal for medicinal purposes for people with MS.

More than ever before, people with MS have a voice.
I am so proud to have been a tiny part of all of this work. I have worked with and met so many amazing people through our staff, volunteers, partners and researchers.

We have laughed and commiserated along the way with the ups and downs we have experienced.
It has been a challenge, but such a privilege and so much fun. I’ve learned a lot along the way.

I’ll miss the MS community so much but will continue to be part of it always.
A huge thank you to everyone that helped me over the years (too many to name here).

And a final thank you to @ej_holloway. I am in the office today clearing out my desk and have stolen one of your nice coffees. I’ll consider it part of my leaving present from you!
You can follow @skohlhaas.
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