Are you attending @PenguinUKBooks #WriteNow scheme tomorrow? I’ve helped at one of these before (and will be chatting to you kids’ books folks), so here’s a few tips to help you get the most of the day.
First: congrats! Getting shortlisted for this means your work has something special. Remember that. Write it on a post-it and stick it on the wall. This could be the start of something great. #WriteNow
Second: this isn’t your One And Only big shot. If you are freaking out with nerves, feel like crap on the day, can’t engage the way you wanted, feel overwhelmed, have wifi trouble or have kids crawling all over you: it’s fine. #WriteNow
Same for if you have questions you don’t get to ask, or you feel naïve for not understanding something. This is the START. Publishing is slooow. Work takes time. This is one day. #WriteNow
Re the one-to-one: this might be the first time you get real feedback on your work. It can feel like a lot! Editorial is tough! It’s also a collaboration that every published author/illustrator comes to value. #WriteNow
First editorial letter I ever got: cried for two hours. They hate it! Why did they ever say they liked it? Read it back a few years later: loads of praise, three lines of useful crit. Look at your post-it note. Your work has something special. #WriteNow
Your one-to-one won’t start with the editor saying they want to buy it right now because it’s perfect. Everything gets better when you rework it. Writing is rewriting. Go in with an open mind ready to listen. They’re on your side. #WriteNow
Also: you are not personally on trial, required to be a sparkling charming personality who shines through the screen. Take that pressure off right now. You’re two invested people talking about your writing, because you both think it’s important. Relax. #WriteNow
Re panels: publishing is a weird confusing opaque world and this day is for trying to make it clearer. There are no stupid questions. You are not daft for not knowing about agents, royalties, contracts, book lengths, age ranges etc. #WriteNow
The panels will be recorded, so if you have to take a step back, need captioning or want to revisit, that’s no problem. (It might take a few days – that’s with Penguin.) #WriteNow
Your questions will be typed into the chat box and shared by the moderator, so you don’t need to speak up or appear on camera. If there’s support you need with making that work for you, please let Penguin know. #WriteNow
In the children’s panel, I will be totally upfront with you about real stuff like money, and things you should ask for and expect to happen for you. In my experience, all the creatives there will do the same. We are also on your side. #WriteNow
Some of this will mean we say downbeat stuff! None of us are living in castles raking it in! But we’re not here to make it harder. We just want you to go in with eyes open. Knowledge is powerful. #WriteNow
You can follow @mssusieday.
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