The response to Covid-19 from schools and trusts across @WholeEducation network has been awe inspiring... all are exhausted but they are finding energy to rebuild into 20-21 #WErebuild2021 and it is amazing!
Below is a *THREAD* on the work they are committing to.
@WholeEducation are first and foremost a network of schools and trusts - values aligned and practice diverse - but all with a passion for providing the whole education young people need to be successful in life, learning and work
WE collaborate with leaders at all levels to help them strategically plan their whole education development
A whole education is one that
- develops the skills, qualities & knowledge that young people need
- makes learning relevant & engaging & develops young people who take ownership of their learning
- supports learning across different settings and engages the community
WE do this by sharing the practice across the network, using an appreciative inquiry framework, having great relationships with our schools and their leaders, evaluating and diagnosing the next steps in their whole education development. ALL contribute ALL share
WE have a suite of programmes established over the last 10 years, co-constructed to meet the needs of our schools and young people, all with proven impact:
WE Spirals of Enquiry - International action research programme - supporting school staff, understanding the perspective of young people, developing practice... want to know more... join our webinar next week
WE Lab Classrooms - Teachers collaborating across the network, developing innovative practice based on the EEF research - two for one teaching strategies with defined impact
WE send peer review - supporting schools in geographical localities to review and develop the practice which impacts on SEND young people
Big Education Conversation - engaging communities in a conversation about education and supporting them to be the change that they want to see...
WE Schools Within Communities - looking at the role schools play as civic centres and civic leaders within their communities - building projects that help young people to have a positive impact on their community
WE Words For All - working with schools across geographical locations to co-construct and take action that impacts on the literacy of young people
Leading a Whole Education Primary LAWEP - working with Primary school Leaders to inspire, connect, collaborate and strategically plan their Whole Education vision
Leading a Whole Education Secondary LAWES - working with Secondary school Leaders to inspire, connect, collaborate and strategically plan their Whole Education vision
Leading a Whole Education Trusts LAWET - working with Trust Leaders to inspire, connect, collaborate and strategically plan their Whole Education vision... providing a forum for values aligned leaders to speak their truth back to the system...with an exciting international visit!
WE School within a School - working with Secondary schools to help them take their next steps to transform their school based on innovative and exciting practice with proven impact
WE Stand Out Schools Initiative - Appreciative Inquiry visits to Secondary schools across the network... inspiring for the host and the visitors WE celebrate the schools WE ambition and help them to develop it further...
WE work with partners from around the globe to support our work and to provide expert inputs to all programmes. The WE team are brilliant, dedicated & passionate about WE.. @verity_cane @charlewis95 @AlexJHardiman @MrsJoCorrigan @LisalingWE @FieRason @sebchapleau @Ethical_Leader
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