The fact that this photo was approved just goes to show how effing ableist this country/society is. I saw no signage of any kind until the polling area, no multilingual comms or ID aside from nondescript lanyards. Let’s not even talk about hearing/visually impaired voters.
Sometimes people stay away cos they know that a place or event is not made for them. If you want everyone to participate, feel safe or be empowered to even show up - you need to start with empathy and design for/with many perspectives instead of a homogenous group of employees.
I’m reflecting on the whole pen debacle and some of us may have been too casual about misuse of a tool not seen in daily life. There is little consideration for the loss of articulation in fingers/hands likely for many with chronic conditions. We may scare people off voting.
I’m generally able-bodied, but I would have felt terrible today if I wasn’t allowed my own pens that I am comfortable using and could test. Imagine if you have a special pen to stabilise your hand tremors/help with arthritis and that wasn’t allowed - would you go out and vote?
Mini rant aside - I think the typical Singaporean mindset overlooks dignity in order to rush to judgment. It takes practice not to do so. And I am reminding myself to be ready to apologise - it is impossible to be right all the time, when we’re so happy to jump the gun and judge.
Spoke too soon - it’s not even dignity, it’s utter disdain and disrespect for those whose bodies and minds don’t “match up” or behave the way an ableist, malicious person expects.
It’s not a matter of honour to forgo your right to vote or die in case the odds aren’t in your favour - this isn’t the Hunger Games. Dignity should always be respected through access.
Excellent thread from a @wpsg polling agent - you should read the whole thing to see how the process is ableist *and* intimidating by design. There is little urgency to educate on process rules or welcome complaints cos the ones helping are partisan too.
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