3 things we have learned about this govt’s leadership style:

1. Many put in places 2 lead; their egos trump their empathy

2. It is not about doing the right thing: it’s about getting their way

3. If u don’t cower, expect Govt officials to go 2 media 2 attack u #sierraleone
The way @mohs_sl led by Alpha Wurie, and National #Covid19 Response led by Maj Kelly have treated citizens both those in treatment centers and medical workers shows their disregard for human rights and dignity. #sierraleone
Most of our treatment centers for #COVID__19 were ordered to open with no add ons.

No equipment; no medicine. Each time the Govt said it was opening a treatment center outside of 34 Hospital all that there was were beds

Healthcare workers scrounged on their own #sierraleone
In the past 3 months I have interviewed 11 medical doctors and supervisors of #Covid19 treatment centers.

I have been to 9 treatment facilities with 70% of the nation’s treatment beds in #sierraleone

At each one frontline workers pay out of pocket 2 buy medecine for patients
At Jui, Connaught and many others Nacoverc asked doctors to cut their staff who had been working since the outbreak.

Every week they would ask for new lists pressuring #covid19 leads to delete staff from pay lists.

A cruel and inhumane ask during a pandemic #sierraleone
How can one knowingly remove nurses, porters, cleaners, and lab techs who have been doing the work from the list of people 2 receive salaries and allowances when they had been working?

I listened to an audio recording of a case management lead making this request. #sierraleone
The head of the nation’s #covid19 response on TV this week accused medical workers of being dishonest, and money hungry.

His tone is reflective of the govt’s approach during this #pandemic: dismissive.
Every time citizens attempt 2 question Govt / air grievances in the best interest of the country they get shut down.

Govt response: We have data. We have World Bank & IMF. We have technology.

And yet with all of that they forget us: THE HUMANS IN THE PICTURE! #sierraleone
If Govt doesn’t meet their needs then every citizen should support this strike.

No matter how NACOVERC and @mohs_sl tries to spin it.

#SierraLeone Make no mistake—this strike is not about money: it is dignity.

#StandWithFrontline #SierraLeone
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