**Public Service Announcement**

Please note #FBPE #Remain #RejoinEU #StopBrexit campaigners.

This will be a thread..

I wanted to warn you all about four individuals that I've encountered on my travels and battles against Brexit..
The first is Roger Powell. First ancountered in 2016. Current Twitter account @E8Powell
Previous accounts;
This man is well known for abusing people, and thus as lost several accounts already. If you see him please REPORT (for violating his permanent suspension from Twitter for abuse) and block.
He found where I lived once and came to my area to attack me. Do not underestimate the length this psycho will go to.
Second is David Law
First encountered in 2018

Primary accounts;
@DavidLaw & @brexit_politics
This Brexiter has 19 accounts (that I know of) some he pretends to be a woman, and a Remainer. Other accounts are purposely designed to be innocent looking (about animals or childrens books) in order to lure people into following him.
I will post all his accounts that I know of below. You may find some of them following you. If you do BLOCK. Do not engage. Do not click on any links from any of the accounts (He makes his money from them).
Third is Philip Howdle
First encountered in 2019

Primary accounts;
@NewforestStocks & @Howdlep
This guy is more harmless that the others. He's just a massive wanker.
Still worth a report and block if you see him around though.
He's been stalking me for like 2 years. He encouraged a Far Right nutcase to stalk my wife on Facebook and to try and get me sacked.
He pretty much just supports anyone attacking Remainers.. I've seen him supporting #QAnon trolls (American Neo Nazis) aswell as Tommy Robinson-esque Brexiters.
Fourth is Stephen Dudhill.
First encountered in 2016

Primary accounts;
@RealSteve112 & @MorelosMs
This man is well known amoung Remainer circles for being a vicious troll.
He also has lost two Twitter accounts (that I know of);
@SPD2212 & @RealSpartacus10
Some people might remember him better as "I'm Spartacus"
This guy is a fake Remainer. He says he "voted Remain" in 2016. Yet spends every hour of every day attacking Remainers.
He's a pathological liar, and will attempt play all sorts of weird dumb mind games. Unfortunately for him, he's not that bright and trips up on his own lies regularly.
He will try and break into your Twitter account. Make sure you have 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) to protect against him and trolls like him.

Further info on setting up 2FA below; https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/two-factor-authentication
Why have I made this announcement?
Of the thousands of Brexiters i've spoken to over the last 4 years, these are the most sadistic, heartless, abusive, persistant and/or cruel.
They get pleasure from inflicting misery on people (Remainers just happen to be the target of their efforts).
Unless you're up for a sustained Twitter fight lasting months or years, and are secure in your social media security on all platforms... report and block these individuals on sight.
Stay safe everyone.

Carry on the fight! ✊🇪🇺

#StopBrexit #RejoinEU #FBPE
You can follow @AndrewKnight226.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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