Football Question thread. Quote tweets to answer.
1. Thoughts on VAR?
2. The best league in the world??
3.Year 2020, Do you still think we're in the Messi- Ronaldo Era?
4.Which team is the best team you've ever seen?
5. Which do you prefer to win, the UCL/ World cup?
6. Who's the best youngster in the world?
7. Who's the GOAT?
8. Best Goal you've ever seen?
9. Where do you see your team in the next 3 years?
10. Most underrated player in your team?
11. Most overrated player in your team?
12. Who's that player you watch and Question how he became a pro?
13. If 2020 was a footballer who would it be ?
14. Worst manager you've seen your team have?
15. Best manager you've seen your team have ?
16. Who's the Greatest manager of all time?
17. The best football moment of your life ?
18. The bad football memory you wish to erase permanently?
19. A player that plays for a rival team that you like ?
20. Tag 3 friends which you respect their football opinion to answer this thread.
21. If you could take one player from your biggest rivals who would it be ?
22. If you could change one footballing rule which would it be ?
23. Your club's worst ever signing?
24. Why do you support the Team you do?
25. FT, banter is better without Toxicity and Hatred♥️.
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