Welcome to another #ComposerSpotlight thread! Today we're focusing on @joanna_mward who has spent lockdown in Newcastle baking, cycling and even going for a 4am dip in the North Sea during the solstice sunrise 🌊
Joanna joined the NMC family through our Next Wave scheme with @soundandmusic in 2018

Her piece 'to think at the sun' takes inspiration from the poem 'Transcription of Organ Music' by Allen Ginsberg

Listen/download: https://album.link/jdkvdgccqj99r 
During lockdown Joanna has been keeping up with her composing mainly for her masters projects at @guildhallschool although she has been enjoying being more playful, including this collage that became a page in a graphic score for @mpknoop of @PlusMinusEns
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