The way this Guardian series of views from childfree women (so often unheard in the discourse) is offending some women who are mothers is really odd to me. Women need to be able to articulate their joy at not being mothers too
It is also undeniable that women who aren't mothers have more time. I think it's fine to say "I have more time to be creative", for instance. You just do, in 99% of cases. That shouldn't be perceived as an attack on the choices of others.
As always, I'm reminded of Amy Poehler's useful phrase in debates such as these: "Good for you, not for me." Articulating your choices as a woman does not automatically mean that you are attacking another woman's choices. It's so BORING.
Anyway, the series is here, and it's excellent and important and if you have kids YES some of it might make you feel uncomfortable and GOOD because it's opening up the discourse and that's what is SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN
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