It’s 1am and try as I might I cannot sleep.

I am pissed. Pissed at all you self important pundits and media hacks who appear to be so starved of anything worthwhile to say that you do not even flinch while you reduce Margaret Trudeau to “the PM’s mother”.
Is this the 1950? Where a woman is valued not by her own accomplishments but by whatever it is the men in her life happen to be doing. How dare she earn a living with speaking engagements, she couldn’t possibly have anything worthwhile to say or contribute.
Don’t you realize that by doing so you allow credence to be given to the Conservative’s regressive ideology?

You must realize by now that this so called scandal is one big nothing burger, so you settle on “bad optics”.
That because of bad optics WE Charity should not have been chosen regardless if this is their exact wheelhouse. Youth engagement, supervised volunteer positions, mentoring jobs for out-of-work teachers and all accomplished in a very short time under exceptional circumstances.
But no. It’s bad optics.

Let’s instead succumb to the innuendo postulated by Canadaland and its witch-hunter-in-chief hack-extraordinaire Jesse Brown. Canadaland must be pleased with all the donations pouring in. The gutter press after all has always been a lucrative endeavour.
That politicians would pick up the pitchforks is no big surprise to me at this point. The Cons do not even deserve a mention, because that is all they do.
Nor does the BQ demanding the PM resign. Who are these separatists kidding.
But here comes the NDP’s Charlie Angus, not to be outdone by his regressive brethren ranting with disdain on National tv about the “Trudeau family” as if the family name itself presumes corruption.

And then he has the gall to pretend to feel sorry for the students.
So yeah, I’m pissed at all of you squeaky clean idiots.
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