Minnesota has one of the best rehab treatment centers in the Midwest and yet our youth, particularly the Somali youth are dying in numbers due to overdose complications. Now I understand that rehab is very expensive and sadly that is not the problem. The problem is that...
People don’t believe that addiction is real in the Somali community, especially the elders and I don’t blame them at all because the concept of overdosing is new and some lack the education that is needed to fully grasp and help our youth.
I always hear people say “ why are they using drugs, they should just stop “ people use drugs for reasons whether is to feel good, stop feeling bad or got better performance. And if you know how the brain works you wouldn’t tell a person who does drugs to “ just stop “
Wallahi if they can stop using it, they would. They can’t stop taking these drugs even if they wanted to because the urge is strong. You brain becomes dependent on it. YOUR BRAIN THE ORGAN THAT CONTROLS YOUR WHOLE BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As a community we should come together and start foundations and donate so that our youth can fight drug addiction and get the resources they need to get treated. rehab is soo important and is a vital part to overcoming addiction.
Drug addiction is a chronic disease. Even after treatment,the urge of using that drug doesn’t go away.This is way it is important to educate parents so that they know the signs when that person is bout to relapse.This can be done by starting workshops that are delivered in Somali
May Allah help everyone dealing with addiction overcome it and may Allah give fast recovery to those in the hospital fighting for their life. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
If you know of any resources that can help individuals with their addiction add it to this thread. Any research, inexpensive treatment centers, therapists, gofundme pages, and anything that can help please share. Let’s help each other overcome addiction and heal. Thank you!
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