Why sticking to the law and following it is important: An #ELI5 thread.

In a society where human beings live, there are rules about how everyone is supposed to interact with each other.

Human beings are strong only if they cooperate with each other and work together, otherwise they're just weak, petty & silly animals.
If a human being breaks rules, that person is exiled. Meaning, their basic rights of living in the society are taken away and they are punished.

But wait... Who decides how they are punished? What if the human is innocent?
That's why human beings have scribbled LAWS like, "Humans are not allowed to kill other humans". This is a basic rule which ensures cooperation between humans can happen.

These laws are to be implemented by officers who are tasked with ensuring order within society.
These officers catch the human being, collect evidence against them about a crime they committed and then present them before court.

The court is where the punishment is given out after looking at the evidence. This is where accused humans are declared guilty or innocent.
Why this long process?

Why not just kill the human being who we *think* has committed the crime?

The human has been caught! So he is... guilty, right?

Why don't the officials just shoot him in the face!?

All good questions.
You see, this law is supposed to apply to every human in the society. This includes the officials too!

Crazy! I know right?!

If officials shoot someone in the face without following the court procedure, they are breaking the law which the accused human also broke. Same 2 same.
This leads to a complete breakdown of society, where a human being wearing a uniform can just shoot people in the face when they want to, without proving their crime in court.

The court must be the one to give out death sentences to those humans which have been PROVEN GUILTY.
But but... the human killed 8 other humans! Everyone knows about it!

Shoot. Him. In. The. Face.

Right. I understand the feelings of rage you're experiencing. But you must understand that the accused human did not believe in society & cooperation. That's why he broke the law.
If you shoot the accused human in the face, it would show that even you don't believe in society and cooperation.

So all of us might as well shoot each other in the face because hey, that's how everyone is behaving these days!

That's not a good situation now, is it?
It isn't. It really isn't.

And that's why following laws is important.

If we don't, we'll all just become pathetic, puny, weak, petty human beings who can't work together and flourish together.

Humble Request: If you're someone who is rejoicing the extra-judicial encounter of Vikas Dubey, please do me a favor and show this 👆 thread to the younger humans in your family.

Don't let them become shitty human beings. Prevent it before its too late.
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