Did you know that policing in Ontario schools was made mandatory in 2008, the same year our federal government invested over $150 million to build twenty-two new prison facilities and to expand seventeen existing ones? (1/n)
Multiple lines of evidence show that increased policing in schools leads to higher rates of suspensions, removals, and transfers than schools without SROs (Na & Gottfredson, 2011). (3/n)
Today, the presence of armed police, otherwise known as the Student Resource Officer program, remains at @PeelSchools , despite resistance from @AdvocacyPeel and @peelblackyouth1 . (4/n)
The Ontario Safe Schools Act, which promoted zero-tolerance discipline in our schools and made policing in schools mandatory, has since been amended, and an independent commission by Falconer LLP in 2008 found that it was ineffective at reducing crime in schools. (5/n)
The Falconer report recommended 126 action items to the Ministry of Education to mitigate crime in schools, none of which involved surveillance or policing: https://www.falconerschoolsafetyreport.com/pdf/executive_summary.pdf (6/n)
We can no longer wait to dismantle Canada's very own school-to-prison pipeline @Sflecce. I support
@AdvocacyPeel and @peelblackyouth1 in saying that the SRO program must be removed from @PeelSchools . (7/n)
Note: this set of tweets is non-partisan. I have been made aware that the premier in 2008 was Liberal.
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