i'm going to go out on a limb and say we don't need a charrette and a series of be-ins to figure out if it's a problem that drivers in cities run people over https://twitter.com/dfergusson/status/1281413835149041664
i find it fascinating that these "hold your horses" process critiques on twitter are always leveled at what are fairly unpopular, radical ideas for remaking cities, which makes them tacit endorsements of the processes that produced the terrible places we live with now.
i guess it's way easier to shit on Farhad Manjoo and two dozen twitter randos and pretend you're speaking truth to power than it is to actually contemplate where power lies on this question
anyway in conclusion: planning is good, planners are good people, the time to start improving our terrible cities is now, stop building straw men that look like Robert Moses, read my piece https://democracyjournal.org/magazine/the-post-planning-pandemic/
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