A thread about college coaches & the impending election(s):

I know there has been a really strong push lately for making sure our student-athletes are registering to vote & informing themselves on the candidates. And that’s super!

But there is something I don’t think we are 1/
discussing enough. And that is: what happens when inevitably, you’ve got players on “both sides”?

What I mean of course is what about when you’ve got players that vote opposite of what you do and what you believe is right?

What then? Because I know a lot of people are 2/
pushing the education and registering because they want certain people out of office, but what if your players do their research and those are the people they want IN office? Are you ready for that?

I don’t think enough people are.

This is just my opinion, but I don’t think 3/
our job as coaches is to push anyone to one side of any given thing. I think it’s our job to encourage & show our players how to educate themselves & know WHY they believe what they do,vote the way they do, etc.

And that means even if they don’t go the direction you want them 4/
to or would hope they would, you’ve still got to, as their coach, support them in that and be there for them if blowback comes their way.

I bring this up as just a “something to think about” because if you don’t, you’re gonna get caught in a tough spot.

We all say we are 5/
going to support our athletes no matter what. My challenge to you is to be honest with yourself and ask yourself: “Will I?”
And I don’t expect this thread to get much interaction. Because it raises a tough question and it’s uncomfortable to think about & be honest about.

But I hope people read it and do just that.

Our role isn’t a conditional one.

We are called to be there for our kids, always.
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