
I have a PhD in philosophy.

I tried for two years to get an academic appointment. 127 applications to a variety of institutions.

But looking today at most of these schools, those rejections were all fortuitous. Today, I am instead positioned to do something better.
I started the @LyceumInstitute last year as an experiment: to see if there are people enough interested in seeking an education--a real education, communal, conversational, discursive, rigorous--without receiving a degree, for little cost.
So far, the experiment has worked. Not without a struggle, and not without some hiccups: but it seems heretofore to be a success.

Thus, I am glad to announce that next year, 4-6 Faculty Fellows will be joining the Lyceum Institute in 2021 to teach a seminar & conduct research.
The opportunities for a real education have waned in our culture. Few universities provide them. The independent institutions once devoted to true conservation of truth have devolved into instruments of a culture war.

That said: I am looking for potential donors. Academics...
deserve a fair compensation, an honorarium, for their efforts. My goals for 2021 are modest--including establishment as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit--but the long-term hopes are ambitious: the preservation and furtherance of real education for those most deserving of it.
Thanks for your time, and feel free to ask me any questions or give me any sincere suggestions.
You can follow @realbriankemple.
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