As a precursor to this thread, I encourage you to read threads I've made in the past which will give you a better foundation (I'll post at the end), as the topics we cover will get technical. I'll do my best to keep this in plain English!
2/ So I'll assume by now that you agree that the Silver & Gold markets are manipulated, especially Silver. Great info can be found on http://USdebtclock.org . I'm going to start posting a daily thread on the changes from the prior day. SILVER IS UP $15 IN 1 DAY on the ⏲️!
3/One ratio you will find is Paper to Silver & Gold ratio. As you'll see, the ratio went down 25% for Gold & 15% for Silver from Nov. 2019 to June 2020, with a massive spike in Dollar to Gold/Silver ratio. This could mean GESARA is being implemented as contracts are winding down!
4/ Another way to analyze the Silver market is to use the monthly traded paper ounces vs the monthly physical ounces available in COMEX warehouses. The ratio is anywhere from 400:1 to 500:1 per month, showing a highly controlled and leveraged market.
5/ It is also known that the paper Silver market has a huge OTC market that is "off the books" of official numbers. These could be large block trades between Institutional investors, Sovereigns or Central Banks. Many levers to control the price of silver. Trump controls them now!
6/Silver is also heavily shorted by banks, who claim they are "hedges". Some of these are permanent silver short positions, in a market 80 times as large as the paper shorts in the oil market! We are at multi-Century lows in Silver post-inflation adjusted, what is there to hedge?
7/ This chart is hard for even the most seasoned financial pro to argue with, that the Central Bank creation in 1913 & the un-pegging of the Dollar from Gold in 1971 destroyed We The People's wealth. A 100-year controlled demolition that Trump is helping fix.
8/ Silver is typically a byproduct metal during mining, as opposed to Silver being the primary metal being mined. For example, during the copper mining process, small bits of silver are processed. When lead is mined, small amounts of silver are processed.
9/ When copper is mined to make things throughout the world, the Silver supply-demand equilibrium can be thrown off by the fact that it's a by-product. Declining growth = less copper mined which means less silver processed. Think China vs US & production cuts in March.
10/ When the world changes its buying habits with things such as transitioning from gasoline to electric automobiles, it changes the supply input of how much future Silver will be available to purchase in the open market. It's a very dynamic supply chain.
11/ A slowdown in China will decrease the output of physical Silver available for purchase by refiners, right at the same time where 6 of the 8 top Silver mines in the world are hitting peak production, while Silver & Gold investor demand is just starting to heat up. 🔥
12/ I know many of you despised economics class, but you all remember the basic concept of Supply vs Demand. When supply goes down and demand goes up, price goes up. Silver might just be the most underpriced asset on the planet at the moment, historically speaking.
13/ The ratio of Gold to Silver is currently around 96.6 This means that 96.6 oz of Silver is what it takes to purchase 1 ounce of Gold. This ratio hit a RECORD of 120 in March, with the historical Norm being somewhere between 15 and 25 since the year 1700.
14/ The most logical explanation could be asked as a question: why did the US Mint, a branch of the United States Treasury, not sell Silver American Eagles near the "paper price" in March, 2020 when prices went to $12.50/oz, and instead, continue to sell the Silver at $25?
15/The answer is staring right at us, no need to overthink it-it's blatant manipulation, plain & simple. The precious metals markets are like a loaded gun. Trump has his finger near the trigger. All he has to do is aim & shoot, and the Gold Gun will Kill the Fed once and for all.
16/ Gold is also heavily manipulated & a significantly larger market than Silver, with the Paper to Gold ratio around 250:1 in contracts traded vs physical Gold investment. The Feds "Golden Goose" printing presses have benefited few: bankers, speculators & the stock market.
17/ The million dollar question: How does Trump kill the Fed? My opinion - the plug is pulled after the election where the Precious metals markets will have an oil like price conundrum, but only in reverse. The time to buy physical Gold & Silver was "YESTERDAY". Don't be this! 👇
18/ Oil went to negative $50 with that spectacular paper contract unwind, & many unknowing speculators were exposed. This happened when Wall Street hedge funds attempted to close their oil hedges....
19/....at the same time that margin calls created an event with few counterparties willing to accept that amount of risk. For a couple of days, oil traded negative dollars per barrel, the first (and probably only) time in history.
20/The Silver unwind, on the other hand will be like a slingshot to the moon, a once in a multi-lifetime event where paper prices will be so distorted vs physical prices, the writing will be on the wall, even for Wall Street. Here are the top 20 Silver mining countries. Mexico 👀
22/ Paper investors in the future will create the opposite effect of what happened to oil - these "investor/speculators" will eventually want to settle their paper in physical silver and create a rush that would make the 1849 California Gold Rush, blush.
23/ Exposing the Silver markets will give investors a similar opportunity to look at Gold. But Silver historically has, & will give investors Beta compared to Gold (more risk, higher reward potential). Remember, it's been paper manipulation up to this point.
24/ With the recent events of the Kingold fraud scheme in China, more people than ever will be calling for Audits AND TESTING of physical Gold bars held by Sovereigns, Central Banks and Gold held in Trust as collateral for loans.
25/ This will open up the floodgates of Biblical proportions if even a few more fraudulent cases come up. Understanding human nature and what the CCP breeds, I might be able to hold my breath long enough for another case to pop up.
26/Some people might be wondering where are the whistleblowers? Bankers, financial/quant analysts, hedge fund managers, advisors & practically anyone in finance is stuck in quick sand. Most have literally no idea what kind of roulette has been playing out & the leverage at stake.
27/ Most won't bite the hand that feeds you a 6, 7 or even 8-figure payouts. Very few have enough willpower to pull themselves out of that life. Even fewer come forward to expose the Truth for the world to discern and to decide for themselves the validity of the claim.
28/ Coveted positions at firms are cut-throat and political in the investment banking & financial world. Most will hold their personal beliefs in, drink the Kool-Aid of the firm and put in their time so they can golf 5 days a week in a cushy retirement.
29/ An honorable mention goes to Institutional investors that were badly burned from 2011 to 2016 in a precipitous bear market, created artificially by paper contracts. Many threw in the towel on "alternative investments" which included commodities & metals. @X22Report
30/ So the game of musical chairs will continue, until Trump calls every last chair in. A few things I am very certain in this world: Q is real. Anons are waking people up. GESARA will happen. And the buck will one day stop at Silver & Gold. It has for 5,000 years!
I hope you enjoyed, God bless 🙏🙌

Special thanks to @SantaSurfing @MikeHes52772147 @DigitalFrontQ @NeilOf9Hostages @x22report

Click below for links & my old threads I referenced at the beginning! 👇👇👇
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