Take a deep breath and listen up Twitter, I am going to blow your mind. 🤯

There are actual experts you can ask about this stuff. I’m not important enough to be verified, but I am a board certified Gyno...so here’s my thoughts: https://twitter.com/theonlytonisha/status/1280413309309800449
You cannot get your period and be pregnant. Menstrual cycles are the result of endometrial lining exiting the uterus. That same lining is where an embryo implants. It can’t leave while you’re pregnant unless the embryo leaves as well.
This is physiologically impossible. However...
Around HALF of pregnancies will experience bleeding at some point in the gestation.
This can be caused by “implantation bleeding,” cervical irritation after intercourse (common!), and other issues related to either the genital tract, uterus, and/or pregnancy.
This bleeding can easily be mistaken for a menstrual cycle. However...
It would be incredibly unusual to have absolutely no change in the timing, frequency, length, and symptoms of your cycle while pregnant.
Which is why it is so important to keep close track of your cycles!
And if you notice a change (it is missing, longer, shorter, heavier, lighter, ANYTHING) AND you’re in a sexual relationship with someone who can get you pregnant...just TAKE A PREGNANCY TEST.
The cheap Dollar Store tests are fine - just pee on that stick.
And if there’s any doubt, you should just call your doctor or APP.
So, the the original tweet is wrong. You cannot have actual menstrual cycles while pregnant.
I know where you’re coming from when you say this. BUT, saying it THIS way scares people. So, instead of click baiting menstrual health for likes & follows, let’s ask more experts and use better words so we can all leave with more education.
Carry on, Twitter. đź‘‹
Thanks @BubblyBreanna for sending! #mdjdiscuss
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