Most fulltime YouTubers I know work 60 hour weeks. Myself included. This job is not as simple as most people think.

So here is a thread of stuff content creators similar to myself have to deal with on their own. No coworkers to fall back on:
-Work with filming equipment (lights, camera, audio).
-Shoot (duh), but also loads of reshoots.
-Edit edit edit edit x10. If you can’t edit, you won’t make it. Period.
-Moderate communities
-Deal with sponsors which, depending on the company, can SUUUCCCKKK.
-Deal with YouTube.
-Deal with comments.
-Deal with people over reaching trying to get in your life.
-Maintain a social media presence. Which is not as easy as it sounds.
-Write scripts.
-Keep a consistent release schedule.
-Constantly develop new ideas.
-Develop a genuine on camera presence.
-Keep track of what’s trending and see if you can capitalize without exploiting.
-Manage your LLC (not going to break this down but a lot on its own).

Now we get to the actual book review part of my job.
-Read hundreds of pages daily.
-Keep track of upcoming major book releases.
-Read hundreds of comments giving feedback on how you can improve.
-Keep track of general industry news.
-Respond to authors wanting reviews (answer = no. I pick what I read)
-Take comprehensive notes of everything you read.
-Manage mental health.
And much much more. All of that being said, I love my freakin job. I wouldn’t change it for any other. I just think it’s also REALLY important for anyone thinking about getting started to know, YT isn’t just sitting down on camera and saying whatever. This is a JOB.
Back when I had 10k subs and released twice a week, sure it wasn’t that big a deal. But with the glorious “Full Time YouTuber” label, comes a LOT of baggage. We are not all millionaires. Most exist in YouTube’s middle class. Again, I LOVE my job. But it’s the hardest I’ve had.
You can follow @DanielBGreene.
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