I know im going to ruff some feathers but here me out here. Most westerners no most non Japanese DONT WANT OUR ANIME/MANGA TO BE WESTERNIZED AT ALL!! I dont want to go back to the era of censored anime and manga like 4kids did to their licences of anime (looking at you one piece)
For my non american followers this censorship as been a problem for anime for decades and prevented series like Mazinger Z and many mecha anime from reaching to US TV sets due to it's violent content but anime like voltron was HEAVILY CENSORED in order to be on US TV.
Besides series like robotech the macross saga mostly keeping its war drama elements like death. Despite being bad adaptation of super dimension fortress macross by combining two other mecha anime mospeda and southen cross. Robotech had a cult following because it kept its element
Fast forward to the late 90s and 00s on saturday mornings anime was censored to the point watching the saturday morning cartoon versions became very cringy to watch due to all the changes I noticed.
After the whole 4kids mess invoving one piece during the 00's for a while I thought it would be over and anime wont be messed with again fast forward to today and we got "localizers" putting elements that wouldnt been in the orginal work looking at you modern funimation.
Due to today's climate invoving the western anime industry I believe many Japanese companies and creators (I hope not) are going to create works that fit western sensebillties which 99.5% will flop due to being cringy as well an insult to their western non Japanese fans.
to support my claim here is the translator for the recent netflix verison of Neo Genesis Evangelion @dankanemitsu or Dan Kanemitsu regarding this very topic: https://twitter.com/dankanemitsu/status/1281113835097608192?s=20
and here's from a manga artist that's living in oregon USA that talks about if Japan was going to sell to the usa or the world they must adapt the the "global standard" heres the tweet: https://twitter.com/ChihiroHowe/status/1280689319431159808?s=20
Me personally I say screw the global standard because the "global standard" actually means American left wing politics that's popular in Cites like LA, San Fran, NYC and etc. while the west of America doesnt give a crap about politics and want to put food on the table.
While many Japanese people on twitter and not they think that the western left wing is the norm in the US let me tell you @rayforcegame @seri3ma @LunarArchivist @OliverJia1014 that alot of america is right wing for instance the bible belt south and the midwest USA.
It gotten so bad we got people like @BlackDGamer1 @A2ZJIRWINKO @_Hero_Hei_ @RageGoldenEagle and people I explained above talking about censorship in western shores that most if all western anime fans dont want japanese anime/manga or video games censored at all.
At the end of the day we non Japanese western fans want to have the experience like the original Japanese not to have a butchered version that insults the original work but to it's fans as well.
At the end of the day I want to enjoy my hobbies without any censorship at all because im a GROWN ASS MAN and not a kid. I chose what series I can buy and support so western localization companies like funimation get the memo and actually start treating the anime fans like adults
Im saying this because I love anime ever since I was a kid and it's non western elements enticed me from the artstyle to the Japanese Jpop and Jrock opening/endings and ost scores like toshiro matsuda naruto and Kow Otani's gundam wing scores for an example.
Let me say this before I end this thread....Japan should keep doing their own thing other words Let Japan keep their Japanese elements and culture why because it's Japanese it's a part of Japanese entertainment not western and not global.
It's like telling them if you want to sell your stuff on the global stage you got to lose your cultural identity. Its like telling African Americans if you want to sell your stuff on the global market you must shed your culture to fit global standards.
So that's all I have to say and I have to give credit to @ChihiroHowe @dankanemitsu for the tweets I linked for this thread.
Any thoughts about this topic @BlackDGamer1 @_Hero_Hei_ @RageGoldenEagle @rayforcegame @seri3ma @LunarArchivist @ChihiroHowe or any anime fan that came across these tweets I encourage you to have a discussion about this topic.
So that's all I have to say for now in this thread I hope you guys have a wonderful day.
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