Well back when AOC was still in school I was actually targeted for being a Palestinian human rights advocate. And that experience made me more, not less, supportive of defending everyone else's right to free expression https://mondoweiss.net/2012/01/following-weeks-of-smears-zaid-jilani-resigns-from-center-for-american-progress-to-take-new-job/ https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1281396963867529216
If you're just arguing for rights for people who you agree with, you're really not making a real moral argument, it's just a power play. She couldn't name one category of person she personally doesn't like who has been denied "a fair hearing of their ideas"?
I would never vote for the Muslim Brotherhood but I thought it was totally wrong when Egypt suppressed their rights and banned them from government. There's an example. You can't just say only people you like deserve rights, then it's not a right.
My very last week of grad school a diplomat from the Egyptian embassy came to my school and I argued with him about what they did to the Brotherhood, and he responded really harshly to me humiliating me in front of my class. I did that for..a party I would never vote for!
I didn't sign the letter because I thought I personally am being censored (even though I was almost a decade ago, see my first tweet) I did it for other people who don't have the same benefits or position as me. What a ridiculous strawman that has been used against us over/over.
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