Day 93 of #longcovid

My health has gone backwards. I seem to have walked almost 5 miles yesterday (early morning walk/indoors at home/hospital appointment) which is a huge achievement.

This morning, I have no power in legs to climb stairs. Easier to crawl on hands and knees ☹️
Walking up and down stairs has been a consistent challenge every day, where even on a "good" day, it was often painful, slow and tiring.

Getting up/sitting down has remained a daily issue. It's so bad this morning, I could not lift myself up from the toilet using my legs alone.
Sure, I managed to lift myself up from the toilet by pushing on the nearby sink and radiator with my arms, but even that requires a significant amount of physical effort as weigh 117kg (257lbs)
Let's see what the MRI of my legs reveals next week as to why some parts of my lower body still feel "switched off"
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