🚨Potus on Hannity: We need safety. We can’t defund or abolish Police. I gave our Police forces protective equipment from storage which Obama/Biden would not give them. NYC is unrecognizable—crime is way up. Chicago too. We’re looking at it & May have to go in and act soon.
🚨DT: We would’ve gone into CHOP, but they did it—knowing we were all set to got into Seattle to fix the problem. I’ve invited Mr. Anderson to come to WH whose son was killed. In Cities they have to be tough. Now cops aren’t allowed to do their jobs. I helped DeBlasio thru Covid.
🚨DeBlasio now painted a big BLM sign on the street & the merchants are furious. The people are so angry. So many are leaving the City. I don’t think it’s Biden age. I know so many older ppl who are so smart. But he’s been taken over by Left & he won’t be able to fight it.
🚨DT: If he won, market would crash, the Left would take over and we’d become Venezuela. I don’t think he wants to debate. He’s been taken over but I don’t think he knows what’s going on. But my polls are great and rising. There’s great spirit, and none for Joe.
🚨DT: Mortality rate very low for Covid. I like Fauci, but he’s made mistakes. The more tests, more cases. We test much more than other countries. So many are asymptotic or mild. If other countries tested as much, their numbers wld skyrocket. They don’t until ppl are hospitalized
🚨DT: We just test so much with a very low mortality rate. We test 10 fold to others. We’ve created great supply chain with PPE. If you feel better w/mask, you shd wear it. I’ll be at Walter Reed Friday and will wear 1. But if you’re far from ppl you don’t really need.
🚨DT: I think Biden thinks he looks good in his bc he wears his mask so much (😆)
We did great w/the Comfort & Mercy & wasn’t getting used. Javits Ctr was great and also never used. They could’ve used that instead of putting ppl in nursing homes.
🚨DT: I’m under tax audit as I’ve been for a long time. IRS has treated me horribly. I was disappointed today, but Justices Thomas and Alito wring great decisions. Now it sends it all back and it starts over again.
🚨DT: Obama/Biden spied on my campaign— Comey Brennan Clapper &many others. It was totally illegal. We caught them. What they did to Gen Flynn was horrible. But he’ll be back. And R Stone was great terribly. I’m always thinking about pardons— PDop and Manafort too— treated awful
🚨DT: Lindsey G and the Judiciary should do something. We know and have everything on them
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