Quick take on the Steele judgement in UK court yesterday:
-devastating for Steele/Orbis: comprehensively lost, told to pay damages and costs;
-Steele info was rubbish: internet or gossip at best;
-If court could figure that out, why didn’t the FBI counter-intelligence? /1
-Steele was hired by Hillary through Fusion to “investigate” Trump-Russia, election interference IN EARLY MAY 2016- that’s THREE months before the “official” FBI Trump-Russia investigation which was supposedly started after Downer-Papadopolous tip-off, yada-yada-yada /2
-On July 5, 2016, AT THE LATEST, the FBI knew that Hillary was the ultimate client of Steele. Again, way before they started the official Trump-Russia investigation based on “it’s all Trump’s fault” predicate. /3
Read the judgement for yourself here. https://www.scribd.com/document/468435732/Aven-v-Orbis-2020-EWHC-1812-QB
Below are some highlights... /4
Biggest losers:
-Fake News Media, all of whom used Steele as a source to win their Pulitzers

-FBI Crossfire Hurricane team who used Steele fake “intelligence” to plot against President Trump.

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