thread explaining mbti because im tired of misinformation spreading
let’s completely erase the existence of the 16personalities test in your mind. it does not exist anymore. the characters are cute we can keep those but listen it is not a good test and will give you an inaccurate type.
for those on kpoptwt— it’s very weird how idols tend to get the same results right? how they all seem to get only 5 different types while having 10+ members. there are very few idols i can name that have gotten an accurate result from the test.
anyway, i would like to explain the very basics of mbti theory using cognitive functions (specifically jungian typology). using cognitive functions is the most accurate way of typing. i will also address some common misconceptions at the end of the thread! +
carl jung published his book Psychological Types in 1921, and isabel briggs myers made mbti with this book as a foundation. this thread goes into jungian typology, as it is a more accurate and widely accepted way of typing rather than typing with mbti (16personalities)
there are 8 cognitive functions!

Perceiving Functions:
Ne: Extraverted Intuition
Ni: Introverted Intuition
Se: Extraverted Sensing
Si: Introverted Sensing

Judging Functions:
Te: Extraverted Thinking
Ti: Introverted Thinking
Fe: Extraverted Feeling
Fi: Introverted Feeling
each type has its own combination of the functions but there are certain patterns within the functions that are always present, thus making possible type combinations only 16. +
each type has its own function stack.
you can see here that there is a pattern between functions. Ne & Si are always together, as are Se & Ni. same with Fi & Te and Ti & Fe.
you can also see that the e/i letter is judged based on your first function, or what is called your dominant function. +
your first function is your dominant function, second function is your auxiliary, third is tertiary and the fourth is inferior. it goes into the fifth to eighth too (don’t have enough space to describe them). they are crucial too and 16p/mbti theory is frowned for not using them
each function has its own meaning and all four functions in a type work together. i will give some brief descriptions on each one, but there can be more to it. this is a twitter thread so there is only so much i can say in one tweet. as you research on your own, you’ll be able +
to create your own connections and analogies based on different functions and be able to recognize them in the world around you. +
Ne: concerned with many different future possibilities and outcomes in their environment.
Ni: concerned with depth in one future possibility and previous patterns that can be applied to predict it.
Se: concerned with physical sensation of the environment around them in present time.
Si: concerned with memory of the senses they had before.
Te: concerned with objective facts from the real world to come to a logical conclusion.
Ti: concerned with logic, uses facts and puts them subjectively through themselves in order to find a conclusion.
Fe: concerned with harmony and the feelings of the people around them.
Fi: concerned with their own values and morals and what they feel within themselves.
combining them with each other can create a type (while keeping in mind the patterns that cannot be ignored). for example, an entp is concerned with many different possibilities (Ne) narrows it down by logic usage within themselves (Ti) +
now, there are many different things surrounding mbti that i see on twitter that are a fallacy. I would like to address them here in order for people to have a sense of what they are talking about instead of talking about a flawed website’s theory. +
1. mbti (with correct jungian typlogy) does not determine “introvert” or “extrovert”. there can very well be social intps or infps or any “i” type, as well as less social “e” types. the e/i letter at the beginning is only determined by your dominant function. +
2. assertive and turbulent (-A, -T) are not mbti related things. 16personalities tacked them on but they are not related to mbti, instead related to the big 5’s neuroticism category. they aren’t real in typing. +
3. the 16personalities test is not an accurate way of typing. a lot of you infps are probably not even infps because 16p is biased to give that answer. the best way to type yourself is through your own research of functions. +
4. this isn’t really a fallacy but stop making threads on mbti types based on the first paragraph of 16personalities. you are just fishing for likes. +
that’s all i have to say for now & also tweet limit.  is the best test i can link if you really want a test. It can help start on what types to research for yourself. if you have any questions, feel free to ask in qrt or dm. +
you can ask about anything in this thread and ask me to elaborate on certain points or ask me about your test results you got from the test above.
You can follow @kwanIvr.
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