Mask thread

In this I want to show you the harmful effects of wearing a mask and also how masks don't protect you against covid-19. And that we need to take a stand against masks.

This is an n95 type mask the co2 level or off the charts.
Some would argue well he was wearing the wrong mask but you're common earloop mask has the same effect.
There's even doctors are speaking out about masks medical professionals trying to get your attention on the effects.
Let's not forget it says on the mask Packaging in the warning label masks don't protect you against covid-19.
So we learned about how it can be harmful, here's someone speaking out about how his daughter who had hospital worthy symptoms and the doctors told her the symptoms were from wearing a mask too long.
So knowing the symptoms of wearing a mask why would you drive a car knowing some of the symptoms are similar to drunk driving. People are wearing them while driving everywhere why isn't this a concern?
Now I know this was in China but we haven't opened our schools yet and this is something we need to think about now because they're pushing for masks in school. All of us should be very concerned about this in regards to our children safety
Even the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons have spoken out about how masks don't protect you from covid-19
The National Institute of Health is even saying it harmful to breathe in CO2 that should be a no-brainer.
Now some will say well my state is forcing me to wear a mask, if states allowed rioting and looting as a so-called protest it's your god-given first amendment right to protest masks.

Stay safe America.
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