
Observing the recent online debate about various projects across the region, its apparent that many fundamentally misunderstand the role & purpose of public consultation & engagement. Recognizing the limitations of social media, I’ll confine myself to a few points.
2/ The primary role of public consultation in the municipal context isn’t to measure levels of approval. It isn’t a referendum on the project, dependent on majority support. Rather, it is a means of gathering feedback from the public to better inform the ultimate decision.
3/ Just because many people share a particular view doesn’t mean that view should prevail. A weak argument shared by many people is still a weak argument. Similarly, a strong argument is not weakened because it isn’t widely expressed. The qualitative outweighs the quantitative.
4/ The consultation process must always ensure everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinion, and that those views are considered. There have been many valid critiques of our public hearing process. But the process will never ensure that a particular position will prevail.
5/ As a long time Councillor Bill Soprovich likes to say “you can have your say, but you may not have your way”. Councillors aren’t order-takers or puppets.
6/ Individuals who participate in a public consultation process speak from their own perspective, or from organizations they represent. They may have pecuniary interests at stake. Most are focused on how they feel personally impacted. Understandably, they defend what they have.
7/ By contrast, Councillors must attempt to remain impartial & consider the entire community both in the present and in future. The perspective is, by necessity & design, broader. There is inevitable & often difficult trade offs to be made between different interests.
8/ If you want to add value in a public consultation process, try to offer new information or raise considerations that appear to be missing from the discourse. Express your personal views, by all means, but don’t be surprised if the final decision goes a different way.
9/ If your side “loses”, it isn’t because you were ignored or disregarded. Nor is it because certain Councillors are stupid or ideological or on the take. Most likely, it’s because the decision was difficult & contrary considerations tipped the balance on the particular occasion.
10/ @DucoteFrank noted out that I need one more point about consultation to make an even 10, so I’ll bite.

It’s crucial to understand that there are people not in the council chamber whose needs must be considered. Certain groups - as we all know - are well represented....
...others are seldom if ever heard from. The young, the poor, the infirm & many others are largely silent. Don’t make the mistake of thinking the loudest voices in the room are the only ones worth listening to, even if you agree w them.

We must listen for the quiet voices too.
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