Thread: 10 Reasons To Love Married Mondler

Let’s face it, married Mondler get’s a bad rap. They’re underrated & unappreciated. Some say they're boring, Chandler wasn't as funny or Monica got even bossier. I disagree. I think M&C evolved logically as characters. 1/
Chandler was still very funny, but his humor changed and became more refined. He no longer used jokes to cover up his insecurities because being with Monica helped him overcome them and as a result he no longer needed his usual coping mechanisms. 2/
Monica was able to let loose & be who she always was underneath. With other men, she had to ease them into her world of idiosyncrasies & quirks. With Chandler, he knew all of this about her already. It freed her to embrace who she really was. 3/
These were two neurotic characters that fell in love and helped each other love themselves. All the things about them that had repelled other people, endeared them to each other. They embraced their own faults. Anyway, they rock in the last 3 seasons & here are 10 reasons why. 4/
10: Mondler is self-sufficient: When Monica & Chandler get married, they pull back from the rest of the group and are kind of out of the loop with a lot of the drama. In the past, everyone was all up in everybody’s business. 5/
Once Mondler get married, they go entire stretches of episodes and have no idea what is happening with the others. Especially in Season 8. Sure, they still meddle, but not like before. And they don't need everyone else’s input on how to handle their own relationship. 6/
9: Mondler enjoy the mundanity of domesticity: That’s a fancy way to say they love doing all the boring stuff that married life has to offer together. They go grocery shopping, pay bills, organize CDs, attend Christmas parties, eat at restaurants, & see plays. 7/
All of these unnecessary details display that unspoken closeness between them. It is marital bliss done in a very realistic way. They never seem to get tired spending time with each other no matter what they are doing. 8/
8: Mondler know they are loved: Most sitcoms portray married couples as adversaries, always squabbling or trying to pull one over on each other, every episode creating drama between them so they can resolve it 22 minutes later. Mondler was different. 9/
It sounds really corny, but they have a deep appreciation for their love of one another. These are two characters who had troubled dating histories, neglectful and borderline abusive parents, and a general very real fear that they were unlovable. 10/
Yet, when they get married, they both not only love each other unconditionally, but they are secure in the fact that they are loved by someone else without question. 11/
7: Mondler are equal partners: Nothing showcases the respect these two characters have for each other better than when Chandler has to go to Tulsa and Monica gets offered her dream job in New York. 12/
Most shows would have dragged this out for months to try & trick us that they might break up. You can’t do that with Mondler. Ever since they both got down on their knees to propose to each other, these two characters have ensured that they were going to be different. 13/
6: Mondler are each other’s biggest support system: Whether Monica gets a bad review or can't give a good speech. Chandler needs to find a new job or has doubts about himself; they are there for each other with grand gestures and subtle signs of support. 14/
5: Mondler know each other better than anyone else: Chandler knows she doesn’t want him to touch a clean white binder without washing his hands and Monica knows where he hides his cigarettes and porn. They can practically read each other's minds. 15/
4: Mondler will do anything for each other: Monica accepts Chandler's perceived kink. Chandler looks for sperm donors. Monica hires a stripper. Chandler dresses up like a pink bunny. Both willing to do things they don't want to because of how much they love each other. 16/
3: Mondler decide to have a baby: Monica always wanting to be a mother yet having some trepidations and Chandler being ready to start a family after a history of his commitment-phobia give us some of the sweetest moments in their entire history. 17/
These two over the course of their marriage have constantly make each other’s dreams come true in ways that are healthy, supportive and filled to the brim with love. Deciding to have a baby and start their own family is one of the best examples. 18/
2: Monica and Chandler deal with infertility: The way these two come together immediately after finding out they can’t have children was very rare to see on TV. A lot of times, these kind of storylines might get stretched out to provide some drama between them. 19/
Instead, the minute that Chandler tells Monica what their test results were they apologize to each other. And even though they are both very sad, they know that the two of them will figure out what to do next. 20/
1: Monica and Chandler adoption journey: There are so many great moments that are involved with their adoption process. From their initial decision, to the home visit, to when they find out they got picked. 21/
Monica breaking down when it might not work out. Chandler’s great speech about Monica to Erica. Chandler freaking out about twins. Monica getting him back on track. The moment they finally bring their children home, a wonderful arc with the two of them at their best. 22/
There you have it. Monica & Chandler's marriage is built on love, friendship, respect, dependability, understanding, & perseverance without a hint of irony. And maybe sometimes the occasional ask to let her break one of his ribs so they can get out of a kid's birthday party. 23/x
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