The governor just wrapped up a press conference about the state's COVID response, and I have to take issue with a few things he has said:
He continues to say Oklahomans are doing "a great job" of taking safety measures against the virus. The numbers tell a different story. It's no mystery that our numbers are going up while states with stronger measures are seeing theirs go down. It's not good news, but it's real.
But Oklahomans look to their leaders for guidance. The governor urges us all to take personal responsibility. We need to see our leaders - ALL of them - being the example of that. I was scoffed at for wearing a mask at the capitol. We're leaders. We should lead.
He said we won't shut the economy down again. But that's not his call. If the virus continues to grow, businesses won't be able to stay open & many people will be sick. We can control the measures we put in place but we can't control the havoc that a virus uncontained will wreak.
He said he's not sure he can mandate mask wearing, but said "consider" wearing one in public when social distancing isn't possible. Leaders can't equivocate here. Say it: wear a mask. As scientists learn more about this virus, they're more confident in the effectiveness of masks.
Finally, he leaned heavy on the word Freedom. It's foundational for sure, but so is the Greater Good. Rugged individualism isn't doing it for us in the age of COVID. We need leaders to appeal to the compassion in all of us. Leaders show their followers the way. So do it.
We need honesty now - and the reality is that things are getting worse, not better. We need common sense now - and the reality is that our state's economy and our people will suffer far longer if we don't take action NOW. We need each other to do what's right. Now.
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