Musings on the debate between Religious & Territorial Nationalism: #Thread

Now this is a valid non-ephemeral question that we must face not just because we are passing through the eye of a great civilizational storm but also since we owe a clarification to our posterity.

1. The Question:

“Am I Hindu first" or "Am I Indian first?”

Rephrased, the question is akin to choosing between Religious Nationalism (Hindu first) vs Territorial Nationalism (India first).

And if you choose the former, are you unpatriotic/anti-nationalistic citizen of India?
2. The Divided Camps:

- Both the LW & most RW people will unhesitatingly answer in favor of “India first.” In fact, this is the one & only point in which both groups agree.

- Only Trads/BPs will have the courage and audacity to answer: “Hindu first,” though not w/o misgivings.
3. The Problem:

That there's bound to be lingering doubts of Trads is due to the fact that we have been taught from very onset that India is supreme, Constitution above question & the Gandhian philosophy: “Ahimsa Paramo Dharma” was hammered into the very fabric of our existence.
4. The Components of Hinduism:

Associated with a great religion like 'Sanatan Dharma' and its several thousand year old civilization are a few factors.

Remember: These 3 key components, as outlined below, make up the entirety of Hinduism and of You being a 'Hindu.'
5. The Territorial Issue:

From prev tweet we saw that Religion is interrelated to Territory.
- Implies that both must be defended with equal vigor.
- They are interrelated but not subset of another.

The question remains: Can Territory have separate identity apart from religion?
6. The Territorial Identity:

Before we settle the issue of “Hindu/India first,” see the contrast between Akhand Bharat & India.

- There is nothing to be proud of being an Indian.
- There is everything to be proud of being a citizen of Akhand Bharat.
7. The Integration:

The history of India post-1947 can reasonably be termed a betrayal of a Great Ancient Civilization.

Akhand Bharat resonated with Hinduism, not India. That territorial compression from Bharat to India is a precursor to both religious & territorial loss.
8. The Answer (Part-I):

Herein I offer the answer to Religious Nationalism (Hinduism) vs. Territorial Nationalism (India):

1. Discard the artificial concept of India. Replace it with Akhand Bharat.

2. Hinduism & India are competing forces; Hinduism & Bharat are complimentary.
9. The Answer (Part-II):

3. Thus both Religious & Territorial Nationalisms together makes up who you are.. The former identity is your worship to Divinity; the latter identity is your devotion to your ancestors.

4. Lose any identity and you are devoid of your soul.
10. The Answer (Part-III):

5. Territorial loss not only makes a person a refugee but also withers his religious identity.

6. A civilization can be in either two states - Expansion or Contraction. We must strive for reclamation of Akhand Bharat & the imposition of Sanatan +
11. The Answer (Part-IV):

6. +Dharma upon the entire land once more.

7. Neither Hinduism (Religious Nationalism) nor Bharata (Territorial Nationalism) should take precedence over another. Nor is any entity subset of the other. And they cannot be exclusive as some of you think.
12. The Proof:

To end this debate conclusively in favor of the points I wrote, I present a tweet from Kashmiri Hindu. In one of the many exoduses, they lost not only their homes (Territorial loss) but they also lost the places of worship (Religious loss).
13. The Quest:

Thus territorial loss combined with religious loss sets forth a cultural decline. Hence protect both identities with vigor & valor.

No civilization can climb back to greatness unless it strives for Religious supremacy accompanied with Territorial expansion.


Territorial loss leads not only to cultural loss+religious loss but also Linguistic loss.

Another reason why Territorial identity (Akhand Bharat) must be defended & preserved along with Religious Identity (Hinduism)!!
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