As long as Joe beats Donald

... and Amy beats Mitch
... and Jaime beats Lindsey
... and Arballo beats Nunes
... and Phil Ehr beats Gaetz
... and Tedra beats Elise
... and I beat Clay Higgins

The world will make more sense again.

Tag in others below!
@PhilArballo2020 for @DevinCow naturally
(Seriously, tag in folks - there are 435 seats in the House, 33 in the Senate, and the White House in 2020 - I don’t know them all).
I didn’t even tag in the bigger names - @JoeBiden @AmyMcGrathKY @harrisonjaime @TedraCobb and here I am, shouting them out.

We are all in it together
I love how this blew up. I love the effin #RobMob
You can follow @RobAnderson2018.
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