I feel like skincare for trans men/nonbinary ppl on Testosterone is something that’s VERY rarely discussed, so I’m making a thread of tips and info from my own experience !!🌟
firstly I want to address skin types! regardless of gender, your skin can usually be categorized as one of the following: normal, dry, oily, or combination. skin type can change over time for many reasons– weather, nutrition, medication, and hormones are big factors.
when testosterone is prevalent in the body (whether part of puberty or thru HRT) your skin may become courser, oilier, & prone to acne.
left is me pre-T; my skin was normal/occasionally dry. right is me 1 year on T; my skin is courser, sometimes oily. note the texture difference.
now onto skincare stuff🌟 here’s a breakdown of my routine which has helped me manage my skin while on testosterone:

1. cleansing
2. toning
3. moisturizing
4. spot treatment
5. breakout control
1. cleansing
you don’t have to use a cleanser every day! most are v harsh & tend to strip your skin of moisture, which leads to breakouts. I rinse my face daily but only use a cleanser if Im SUPER oily– otherwise, after rinsing, I wipe down my face with toner. (more on that next)
2. toning
I use a toner daily (morning and night.) toners are formulated to balance the pH in your skin to keep it hydrated and nourished. they also gently remove oil/dirt without drying your skin out! rosewater toners have absolutely saved my skin while on T.
3. moisturizing
your moisturizer should cater to your skin type– dry, oily, or combination. what you use is up to you, but READ THE LABELS. this goes for any product you’re putting on your face. try to stay away from drying or pore-clogging ingredients (examples below)
4. spot treatment
for this I swear by two products: tea tree oil & salicylic acid. they’ve NEVER failed to clear up my breakouts. these should never be applied to the entire face or in large amounts!! use them to only to TREAT SPOTS lol (1/2)
(2/2) tea tree oil is an anti-microbial plant extract (not actually oil!) that kills acne-causing bacteria + reduces inflammation. salicylic acid literally dissolves the acne under your skin. both should be used sparingly and not at the same time (I rotate them!)
5. breakout control
in addition to managing existing acne, preventative measures help a LOT to reduce the frequency of breakouts + generally keep your skin clear. there’s many ways to approach this, I’m sure you’ve heard “exercise, water, a healthy diet, enough sleep” etc. (1/2)
but if ur like me (a student who eats like shit + barely sleeps) easier said than done. I exfoliate, use facemasks and serums to supplement my skin. it can get expensive but it’s a hobby so I enjoy it. it’s not TOTALLY necessary esp if ur lifestyle is healthy to begin with! (2/2)
during HRT, you’re essentially going through a 2nd puberty. remember that while your skin may change permanently, the constant oiliness/breakouts won’t be forever. as long as u take care of ur skin + yourself you’ll be ok. that’s all I have, I hope this was helpful!!
hi thank u all sm for all the love!đź’“ I’m so happy I was able to reach so many. im a student artist doing commissions to pay for T +other meds atm so if anyone’s interested those are open!! checked out my pinned or see my portfolio here :) http://linktr.ee/tylerito 
some ppl have added tips i felt i should mention:
- tea tree oil can be irritating for ppl w sensitive skin (+can be an allergen), do a patch test to make sure and if needed dilute w water (not oil)
- exfoliation once per week will make ur skin smoootheđź’“
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