Another reason we need a complete overhaul of the police. Near deadly assault by Alex Rosenstrach, gym owner and the husband to Columbia County Deputy Sheriff Kelly Briscoe Rosenstrach. The Deputy Sheriff stopped the victim’s wife from calling 911. Now her BOSS is investigating.
If that isn’t enough of a conflict of interest, Deputy Sheriff Briscoe Rosenstrach and her husband are high dollar donors to Columbia County Sheriff David Bartlett.

Absolutely appalling that his office is leading the investigation.
If Alex Rosenstrach’s name sounds familiar to you, it’s because he refused to comply with state orders to close gyms. He reopened ClubLife amid the pandemic. In that case, Sheriff David Bartlett took no action.
Alex Rosenstrach made headlines just recently when he hosted a pro-police rally to compete with a peaceful #BLM protest. Just weeks between he, his wife and allegedly other police buddies participated or sat idly by as a man nearly died at his hands.
This entire series of events has been horrific, a blemish on Columbia County. The Sheriff’s office turns a blind eye on Rosenstrach, and it should not go on anymore. The Sheriff’s office should immediately pass this investigation to the state police or AG’s office.
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