Every time I see patriots despair over a temporary situation or setback against the Trump administration I have to chuckle. It's like people have amnesia and forget that for the last 4 years that every single plan that the NWO has devised against him has failed.
The Justice Kavanaugh disinformation fiasco with Blasey-Ford's lies? Failed. Russian Collusion? Failed. Impeachment? Failed? Corona-Virus drama-queen hype and CDC/WHO disinformation? Failed. Federal Reserve trying to crash the economy? Failed; absorbed by the US Treasury...
... and Trump instituted several more patriotic replacement onto their Board of Directors. What Trump has done is absolute genius. He doesn't destroy his enemy....
...he lets them destroy themselves by goading them on Twitter and through press conferences to go to such a moonbat insane extreme that they are in essence exposing the Satanic nature of their own true motives for all the people to see.
Q said that sometimes you can't tell the people but you have to show them. Countless millions of normies are seeing what these traitors are all about and are waking up to the Satanic treasonous agenda of the Deep State.
Trump doesn't necessarily stop them. He mirrors their move with a much better alternative, parallel economies (the old guard vs the quickly exploding gold markets), a parallel solution to Covid-19 in the form of HCQ, while the media and CDC and WHO are exposed in plain sight for
their lies, hypocrisy, and treason. There is also a parallel justice system called GITMO that is circumventing the corrupt Federal Court System,
while at the same time Trump is appointing 300 Constitutionalist judges to the Appelate Court System, as yet ANOTHER PARALLEL FORM OF IRREGULAR WARFARE against Deep State judges.
He doesn't stop the media. He created (along with DIA) Q, an alternate media machine known as Q Anon, that circumvents the mainstream media through an army of digital citizen journalists who use free-thought, research, and investigative truth-telling to do the media's job.
Do you see the mirror? It is providing a clearly superior alternative that many Americans are turning to, slowly being deprogrammed not by destroying everything in one bang but by providing a better parallel option that renders the Masonic/Satanic original operationally obsolete.
Think of how the Q army has taken over Twitter, making Q Anon themes trend. Think about how Zuckerberg has been trying to suppress free-speech on Facebook through bogus fact-checking websites clearly aligned with Deep State Luciferians such as George Soros and so many others.
Mirroring their entire Masonic structure yet providing a far-superior hope-filled and prosperous parallel option is in essence destroying the Deep State from within their own planetary and national warfare construct and platform.

Needless to say, "TRUST THE PLAN." It's working.
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