The Vikings were known as some of the fiercest warriors throughout history.

What set them apart? Their view of death, afterlife, and how that affected their lives.

What could YOU accomplish embodying the same principles?
First let’s talk about Viking afterlife.

As a Viking, you were destined to one of a few realms after you died. The specific landing spot varied depending on how you lived your life and how you died.

These realms are Helheim, Helgafjell, Folkvangr, and Valhalla
HELHEIM was the worst outcome for the Vikings.

A cold and dark realm, ruled by the goddess Hel. Guarded by a giant wolf Garmr.

There is an incrossable river in Helheim, from which one never could return.
Not nearly as bad the Christian version of hell, but still unwanted by the Vikings.

This place is reserved for those who don’t die in battle, but of old age or disease.

Stories are told of Vikings who’d cut themselves w/ a spear or sword before death in an attempt to avoid it.
HELGAFJELL and FOLKVANGR are lesser known and infrequently mentioned.

Helgafjell is a holy mountain; a happy and peaceful afterlife for those who lived good lives, but didnt die in battle.

Folkvangr is for warriors who died in battle, selected by Freyja.
VALHALLA is the realm we most associate with Vikings.

Warriors who die a heroic death in battle were taken by the Valkyries into Valhalla.

Where they would dine with Odin in his great hall and train with each other daily in the courtyards, in preparation for Ragnarok.
So now that we know where the Vikings ended up, how did this affect their lives and make them such feared warriors?

The Vikings believed their fate was sealed. That they were destined for whatever the gods had planned.
Relinquishing any doubt over their death, they accepted that when the gods chose, then, and only then, it was their time to die.

Some ppl may give negative connotations to this, thinking Vikings could just do nothing, sit on their asses, as their fate was sealed.
The Vikings took the opposite approach. They had no fear of death, it was out of their control. So they lived their lives to the absolute extreme.

Fighting, exploring, and conquering with no reservations.

Trying to get the gods to notice them and leave behind a legacy.
Dying a warriors death was one of the highest honors, sought after by everyone.

Fighting as FEROCIOUSLY as possible, unaffected by the danger around them.

The armies they faced didn’t know what to make of it. To them, the Vikings seemed insane.
A man with no fear of death or outcome is incredibly dangerous. No mental barriers hold him back.

Other warrior cultures embody the same principles. The Samuri have a famous quote,

“become insane and desperate to die”
This mentality allowed the Vikings to battle great armies, sail to & explore new lands, and become legends around the world.

Now what if YOU adopted this mentality?

Relinquished any outcome dependence & fear. Knew your fate was determined, so you could live to become a LEGEND.
We spend so much time and energy worrying about what could go wrong in any situation.

What if you ATTACKED any problem, any obstacle, with the FEROCITY of the Vikings?

Believing even in failure, maximum effort would grant you the glory you’re searching for.
Living a life that people will write stories about. A life that God will take notice of.

Even in failure, if you come at the problem with all of your intensity, you will have your glory.
Looking to get into better shape? Yo start a business?

Attack w/ no fear. Of others opinions, of failure, of not being good enough.

The only way to get into Valhalla is to die heroically in battle, so seek out any challenge in your way.
PROGRAM yourself.

Tell yourself every day, you have no fear. No reservations. Nothing holding you back. (Use TERMINATE, s/o @DejaRu22 )

In order to enter Valhalla, you need a legacy.

Our mentality is often the only thing holding us back, take a page form the Viking playbook and live INTENSELY.

So intense that all your fellow men and the gods take notice.

Dieing of old age is not an option.
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