Propertarianism, the little movement that couldn't.
What is propertarianism, you ask?

If you have the stomach for long-winded, self-conscious, mental-masturbatory descriptions written by a self-proclaimed genius, this newest Propertarian group is for you. 
As you look through the website, you'll find code words and phrases - western culture, the masculinity of white males, Abrahamism, etc. - and when you listen to and read the word of them movement's participants, you'll hear and read a lot of 4chan slang.
While the website has been up for almost 8 years, this Institute didn't really take off until the last year or so, gaining roughly 4,500 follows on Facebook.

Many of these followers came from the Alt-right movement.
Anyhoo, July 4th was their official coming out party (Founding Fathers Convention 2.0) at a pro-Second Amendment rally in Richmond, VA.
The Boogaloos and BLM activists called out the Propertarians as white supremacists.
So the Propertarian guy gave his speech and then sat down on the steps of the building to talk to a BLM activist.

He claims the unfortunate stain is the result of hot weather.
The self-declared leader of white male masculinity and proud western heritage then imploded the movement he'd spent years cultivating.
"You mostly have to look at the biology of it," he said to the black BLM activist. "You guys have bigger dicks and are stronger."

This did not go over well with his largely white supremacist, alt-right supporters.
He's tried to explain that he was making a joke/point but his movement just isn't buying it.
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