Yo USians. Because our leadership are incompetent malevolent fools we’re probably going to be stuck at home a lottabit longer. So this tweet is directed at all the dads who benefit from patriarchy out there
Normalize babies and children on web meetings. Women and bearing parents can’t do this because patriarchy. We dads can do this because we empower this structure where the idea that folks have kids has been banished from work, making life unfair for women and bearing parents
Normalize holding a baby during a meeting. Normalize online teaching with babies in hand. Normalize being handed a baby while in a meeting. Normalize parenting live during meetings and online teaching. Let kids wander into cameras.
Pause to get your kid something if necessary or to resolve fights. Normalize that shit too.

The more folks see kids during web meetings and teaching the more likely it’ll be that we can bring our kids to f2f in the future.
Normalizing babies and kids in the workforce removes at least one penalty for being a mom or a bearing parent.
You can follow @jmhenner.
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