THREAD: Why there is a rise in people visiting therapists and how Athiests and capitalists have figured out how to charge you money for spirituality and god.
1.Throughout the past individual’s would turn to their spiritual leaders in times of sadness, anxiety, anger or when they felt lost. The religious institutions of our ancestors grew Alongside us, and out of the earth just as plants and animals of nature.
2. We are in fact a part of nature contrary to what many modern people think. The early pagan traditions were like local Organic wildlife, there to aid us just as the local medicinal plants of each region. This is why you find diverse tribes with their own customs and medicines.
3. The industrial revolution, and the scientific movement the delivered it Was extraordinary effective in erasing most of these traditions and developing it to the modern state of all inclusiveness.
4. What worked for one tribe in Africa, or one tribe in Europe has been erased with the promise that a “therapist” can solve all.
5. The thing that many modern people don’t grasp is that the diversity of ancient traditions developed through 1000s of years of trial & error. There is no all encompassing solution for the spirit. The institution of “Therapy” is the capitalist replacement of ancient traditions.
6. Now modern doctors can charge you $200 an hour to perform the same task in a less effective manner that the ancient priest or shaman did for free, simply because it was for the betterment of the tribe.
7. Athiests, who generally can’t grasp many of these ideas are poster children for perpetuating capitalism and science. After all, science is nothing more the a wrench in the toolbox of capitalism itself. By getting rid of god they forgot that a god shaped hole will still remain.
8.I have a very close friend who was seeing a therapist for a period of time that was Openly using Buddhism to To help this friend of mine. If only we wouldn’t have spent the last 500 years denouncing religion it might have saved him a few $1000.
9. The gods/god were known best by our ancestors, not some greedy atheist trying to suck money out of your wallet like a vampire. Precise god/gods!
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