Comrades: eight months on, do you feel like the 2019 General Election and its aftermath has changed you as a person? If so - how?
I was never an optimist but I'm more pessimistic than before, and far more bitter. I'm also far less inclined to see the good in people I disagree with than I used to be, which is a shame.
I lost many friends between the 2017 and 2019 elections. Not through angry disagreement - that's never been my style - but drifting away from people who reiterated RW/centrist attack lines. The trust went entirely after GE2019, I don't think I can rebuild it, and that's a shame.
On top of that, I feel depressed, despairing, angry, alienated and exhausted, pessimistic about the wider future, really wanting to redirect my political energy into something positive that doesn't feel marginal and/or doomed from the start.
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