I’m technically taking a break from Twitter but felt this was an important thought to share. I’ve been watching a lot of mask wearers lately as it is very popular where I am & it’s been making me think about the psychology driving what seems to me to be an obsession or even an...
...addiction. I’ve been thinking back in particular to when I was a small child & much to my father’s great worry I developed a habit, and looking back I’d say it was an addiction to pulling my blanket up over my face to go to sleep. Dad was always very worried that I might...
...somehow suffocate myself or at the very least he was sensible enough to worry about possible health effects it might have (until 2020 no one ever thought inhaling your own stale air was a good idea)...but he had a lot of difficulty in getting me to give up the addiction. So,..
...anyway seeing so many people around me wearing masks constantly as I said has gotten me thinking about why other than fear of ‘the virus’ people are clinging so fervently to this new outerwear. I see smokers wear them, pulling them down when it’s time for a ciggie, I saw a...
...mum yesterday with what looked like a 5yr old child both wearing masks & then mum puts the child in the car without belting her into a car seat! 😳 I see the bakery delivery man come each morning & he wears no mask as he leans over & sometimes even coughs on the rolls he is...
...delivering that are all in the back of his van, but then he dons his mask when he carries his wares into the shops. These people don’t seem to actually be very concerned about the virus or health & safety.
So I’ve been sitting here on my second storey balcony above shops &..
...cafes people watching...
(By the way I’m doing that right now too & a group of teenagers just walked past & amusingly I see them all wearing masks when they are with their parents but when they get to hang out together adult free not a mask can be seen 😂)...and thinking...
...back to my childhood as my subconscious has been poking me, saying ‘I think there could be a link here’. So I began to think what was it, why would I cover my face (often only up to my nose & mouth)...and I remembered. It was a feeling of safety, that cosy, warm, comforting...
...feeling. Like being in a cocoon, a feeling of security & calm, which could lull me to sleep. So I am wondering now how much of this dedication to mask wearing is actually that. As per my screenshot & the below article there is quite the possibility... https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/mask-appeal
...that there is already evidence out there that mask wearing could indeed be if not physiologically addictive, psychologically so. I also have my suspicions there might be some kind of physical addiction to a type of calm stupor promoted by such a poor air quality environment...
If this is so, I find this deeply disturbing, as the long term implications are very concerning. Have you ever tried to get an addict to stop? If the people making decisions on whether to make masks mandatory are addicts themselves, there will be no turning this around.
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