Don't be shy 🙊when you don't know what these things use it for ..etc We'd been like you one day ,
let’s get started smart girls👩🏼‍💻😌💪🏻 #قائدات_التقنية
What is VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is a general-purpose virtualization tool for x86 and x86-64 hardware, targeted at server, desktop, and embedded use, that allows users and administrators to easily run multiple guest operating systems on a single host.
Why does VirtualBox matter!

VirtualBox makes it possible for administrators and developers to quickly spin up full-blown operating systems without having to use dedicated hardware, thereby saving precious budget dollars on hardware.
Who does VirtualBox affect?

VirtualBox affects anyone who needs to easily deploy a VM to be used as a server, desktop, testing environment, or teaching tool.
How can I get VirtualBox?

You can follow @bodour11111.
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