
The politics in Jesus day was a mess. The Jewish nation was under Roman rule. They were looking for liberation and wondering why God was not sending the Messiah to set them free and restore the temple. To deal with the cognitive dissonance there were 4 political expressions.

A) The Pharisees. They tried to keep the law perfectly so God would restore them to prominence.They viewed Romans as pagans who eventually would be destroyed by God. The Pharisees clung to their identity at the expense of their relevancy. They wanted Judaism to be great again

B) The Saducees. Grasped for relevancy at the expense of their identity. The way they coped with Roman subjugation was compromising with Rome. They exchanged religious conviction for political respect.

C) The Zealots. They were essentially radical Pharisees. They were not content to wait for God to overtake the Romans. They were political terrorists who believed their cause was righteous. So in the name of religion they slit people's throats.

D) The Essenes. They were the smallest of the the 4 main groups. They isolated themselves completely from the political fray by moving to the mountains.

This was the political environment Jesus entered into. As Jesus became more well known as a teacher people wanted to know what side he would choose? It is super interesting to note that two of his disciples were on completely opposite sides of the political spectrum.

A tax collector and a Zealot.

Tax collectors were seen as traitors by most Jewish people. They made money by charging even higher taxes than Rome demanded. This sellout was a constant reminder of Jewish subjugation to Rome.
And yet, Jesus chose Matthew to be his disciple.

On the other end was Simon the Zealot. His political party worked to incite violence and rebellion against the Roman Empire. Anyone who sided with the Roman Empire was seen as an enemy & therefore a target of their violent attacks.

And yet, from among them, Jesus chose Simon

The fact that Jesus united people on opposite ends of the political spectrum is instructive for the polarization that exists in our own day.

Jesus took a terrorist and a traitor and made them His disciples. How did Jesus unite them?

I think he did it by reinterpreting the meaning of the kingdom, the temple, and God Himself. The sermon on the mount concludes that, "all who heard Him were astonished because he spoke as one who had authority." His message was a message of mercy and radical love.
His kingdom was based on compassion, kindness, and justice.

Jesus didn't avoid political debates. He reinterpreted them. If Jesus could unite a Zealot and tax collector, do you think he could unite a Republican and a Democrat?

We are called to make disciples as Jesus made disciples. We should not be so aligned with one side of politics that we lose the ability to minister to the needs of another.
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